In short

Sports Equation

Muscle stimulation
Dynamic Structures - Swing Ball - J3508
A dynamic but less physical activity, the Swing Ball is a reflex and
strategy game inspired by pinball and table football.
The players stand around the circle and try to control the
sometimes surprising trajectories of a ball inside and score as
many points as possible.
Whether in attack or defence mode, they manoeuvre the circular
tube in all directions, trying to position the ball in one of the cages
opposite their opponents’ goals to have the best shooting angle.
You need quick reactions and thinking to win: a great social
atmosphere is guaranteed around the Swing Ball!
This play equipment is accessible from 8 years. It can accommodate up to 4 users.
The size of the module is: 1.10 m length, 1.10 m width, 1.08 m. high.