Article published on 3 June 2015

We’re delighted to announce that we are now friends of Fields in Trust (FIT). They are the only national charity securing and improving outdoor recreational spaces to ensure that they will always be there and that everyone will always have access to them.


1925 by King George V founded the trust in 1925 to ensure that there was always somewhere to play. Here are some more interesting facts:

  • FIT was chosen as the Duke of Edinburgh’s first charity Presidency;
  • Her Majesty The Queen has been our Patron for over 64 years;
  • The Duke of Cambridge took over from his Grandfather as our President in 2013. This following his Patronage of the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge.

All of which are fantastic credentials as we’re sure you’ll agree!

We are not only helping to contribute to communities across the UK by assisting to secure more green outdoor space. We can also help to tackle obesity by helping people to become fit and active, encourage community activity and cohesion and maintain biodiversity by reducing the ‘nature deficit’ in children and families.

Fields in Trust currently protects almost 3,000 playgrounds, sports pitches, nature reserves, woodlands and bike trails. Additionally, they continue to provide access to funds and improvement grants.

For more information, please visit The Fields in Trust Website.


How outdoor play can benefit tourism and add to the experience

Article published on 7 August 2019

Working with the leisure sector is always exciting. We love designing play areas that ensure maximum Return on Investment (ROI) and increase revenue and spend across the whole site. Through our BALPPA membership, we were excited to learn more about the Tourism Sector Deal which has just been released by the government. It sets out...

Proludic launch exciting new leisure brochure

Article published on 13 March 2019

Leading play and sports equipment manufacturer and Installer Proludic have launched an exciting new brochure focused at the leisure market, further enhancing their work in this sector. Targeting organisations such as holiday parks, pubs, health clubs, shopping centres, zoos, hotels, museums and service stations – it aims to provide the reader with helpful inspirational case...