Wednesday 15th July 2015

Cardinal Place

76-98 Victoria Street



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Who’s in charge? What’s in store for local government and what stance is taken on town and parish councils?

From start to finish, this one day conference will give you a comprehensive overview of the post-election landscape, of the government’s priorities and the implications for the sector.

With a range of influential speakers from government, and former Ministers you will learn directly from the key figures in local government.

Former Ministers will reflect on experience and provide lessons for councils, county associations and sector bodies on getting the most out of dealings with MPs and ministers, looking at what works, and importantly what doesn’t.

NALC chief executive, Jonathan Owen will outline their plans and priorities; academics will provide analysis of the election outcome and the challenges ahead for parishes and experts from the media and public affairs will prepare you for those challenges – with practical advice on how to get your message across through effective advocacy, lobbying and campaigning.

This exciting one-day conference will be jam-packed with eye-opening, informative and practical sessions and is not to be missed!

Find information and to book your place on the NALC Conference website.