Standard ISO 14001 is the standard for environmental management. Its aim is to help companies manage the impact of their activities on the environment and demonstrate the effectiveness of their management.
Additionally, upholding this certification indicates that clients and stakeholders can trust in the sustainability of the business.
Since 2006, Proludic has been recognised for its commitment to the environment with the ISO 14001 certification. Every year since, the environmental management system gets checked annually against the ISO criteria. This ensures that we uphold the principles over time and build our commitment to sustainability further throughout our business.
Proludic does its utmost to combine technical performance and respect for the environment in all they do. These efforts include:
- Streamlining the resources used in manufacturing its products
- Optimising its industrial waste management
- Reducing waste on the production site and in play areas.
This important environmental business certification indicates the standard to which companies like Proludic as held. It is our mission to continually meet and surpass these standards in our commitment to upholding our environmental policy. In 2023 we created a concrete environmental policy built on our long-held environmental mission with the 3 key cornerstones of Sustainability, Climate Change, and Local Presence.